Revolutionizing Agriculture: Premium Mineral Fertilizers for a Sustainable Future
Enhancing Crop Yields and Soil Health: Comprehensive, Sustainable, and Efficient Mineral Fertilizers for Today's Progressive Agriculture.
Urgency of problems in agriculture worldwide
Global climate change: droughts, temperature stresses, water and wind erosion.
Soil acidification due to excessive use of mineral fertilizers without liming, subsequently worsening its structure.
Loss of tens of millions of tons of humus annually due to excessive land exploitation, decrease in natural soil fertility, and soil depletion in monocultures.
Continuous suppression of beneficial soil microbiota, the main factor of fertility, by mineral fertilizers and plant protection products.
Unrealistic price increase of mineral fertilizers due to the global energy crisis.
Unacceptably low quality of poultry and livestock meat in intensive farming with the use of synthetic feed additives and hormones.
Loss of the natural feed base of fish farming ponds due to water pollution from mineral fertilizer residues and plant protection products, sharp deterioration of water quality during the hot summer period.
A sharp decline in the bee population, as the main pollinators, posing colossal problems in agriculture.
Successful two-year experience in organizing production in Ukraine at the capacities of the Dünger company for granulating ammonium sulfate. Hundreds of consumers in Ukraine highly appreciated the quality and properties of the new fertilizer
Successful tests were conducted in Germany, where the addition of our component to ammonium nitrate in an amount of 5-7% allowed reducing its consumption by 50% while maintaining yield, similar to the application of 100% on the control plot.
In the finals of the UNIDO Global Chemical Leasing Award - 2021, which took place in Vienna, AGRI DIVES fertilizer (ammonium sulfate + Bentonite) won second place in the "INNOVATION" category. The competition featured 92 participants from 21 countries worldwide.
The story of our achievements
Сomplex silicon-humate and silicon-containing macro-fertilizers
New class of fertilizers largely solves all problems in crop production
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Gravida in sodales est mollis sem lorem. Tristique lorem nunc quisque aenean blandit amet nulla vitae sollicitudin.
Gravida in sodales est mollis sem lorem. Tristique lorem nunc quisque aenean blandit amet nulla vitae sollicitudin.
Gravida in sodales est mollis sem lorem. Tristique lorem nunc quisque aenean blandit amet nulla vitae sollicitudin.
Key advantages of silicon-based
macro-fertilizers include:
Significant enhancement of drought resistance in agricultural crops
A substantial increase in the root system, up to two times or more
Simultaneous soil liming if the soil is acidic, due to the activation of insoluble nitrates, sulfates and phosphates
The ability of active silicon to significantly improve the assimilation of all types of nutrients
Reducing plants' water needs by 30-40%, which can be critically important for their survival during acute droughts
Significant enhancement of plant immunity to all types of diseases, pests, and stresses
Significant improvement in the quality of the grown products due to the aforementioned properties of silicon-based macro-fertilizers
Significant improvement in the quality of the grown products due to the aforementioned properties of silicon-based macro-fertilizers